Button dropdowns

Basically, b:dropButton is a button with a dropdown menu. b:dropButton is a container containing b:navLink tags. These, in turn, are the menu entries.

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Button dropdowns work with buttons of all sizes.

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Dropup variation

Trigger dropdown menus above elements by adding drop="up" to the tag.

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Reference section

Attribute Default value Description
autoUpdate (alternative writing)
false Setting this flag updates the widget on every AJAX request.
binding (none) An EL expression referring to a server side UIComponent instance in a backing bean.
colLg (alternative writing)
-1 Integer value to specify how many columns to span on large screens (≥1200 pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
colMd (alternative writing)
-1 Integer value to specify how many columns to span on medium screens (≥992 pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
colSm (alternative writing)
-1 Integer value to specify how many columns to span on small screens (≥768p pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
colXs (alternative writing)
-1 Integer value to specify how many columns to span on tiny screens (≤ 767 pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
contentDisabled (alternative writing)
false Enables or disables every child element of this container. By default, child elements are enabled.
display block If you use the "visible" attribute, the value of this attribute is added. Legal values: block, inline, inline-block. Default: block.
drop (none) Use up For dropup and down for dropdown, default is down.
hidden (none) This column is hidden on a certain screen size and below. Legal values: lg, md, sm, xs.
icon (none) Navigation Link Icon, can be one of the Bootstrap's Glyphicons icon names. Alignment can be specified with the icon-align attribute.
iconAlign (alternative writing)
(none) Alignment can be right or left.
iconAwesome (alternative writing)
(none) Navigation Link Font Awesome Icon, can be one of the Font Awesome icon names. Alignment can be specified with the icon-align attribute.
iconBrand (alternative writing)
false Use the free brand font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
iconFlip (alternative writing)
(none) Flip the icon: can be H (horizontal) or V (vertical).
iconInverse (alternative writing)
false Switch the icon from black-on-white to white-on-black.
iconLight (alternative writing)
false Use the paid 'light' font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
iconPulse (alternative writing)
false Boolean value: if true the icon will rotate with 8 discrete steps.
iconRegular (alternative writing)
false Use the paid 'regular' font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
iconRotate (alternative writing)
(none) Rotate 90 degrees the icon: Can be L,R.
iconSize (alternative writing)
(none) Icon Size: legal values are lg (=133%), 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x. If you're using Fontawesome 5, also 6x, 7x, 8x, 9, 10x, xs (=75%), and sm (=87.5%) are allowed.
iconSolid (alternative writing)
false Use the free font of FontAwesome 5. As a side effect, every FontAwesome icon on the same page is switched to FontAwesome 5.2.0. By default, the icon set is the older version 4.7.0.
iconSpin (alternative writing)
false Boolean value: if true the icon will spin.
id (none) Unique identifier of the component in a namingContainer.
largeScreen (alternative writing)
-1 Alternative spelling to col-lg. Integer value to specify how many columns to span on large screens (≥1200 pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
look (none) Look of the Button, can be primary, info, success, warning, danger. If not specified, a standard gray button will be rendered.
mediumScreen (alternative writing)
-1 Alternative spelling to col-md. Integer value to specify how many columns to span on medium screens (≥992 pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
offset (none) Integer value to specify how many columns to offset.
offsetLg (alternative writing)
(none) Integer value to specify how many columns to offset.
offsetMd (alternative writing)
(none) Integer value to specify how many columns to offset.
offsetSm (alternative writing)
(none) Integer value to specify how many columns to offset.
offsetXs (alternative writing)
(none) Integer value to specify how many columns to offset.
rendered false Boolean value to specify the rendering of the component, when set to false the component will not be rendered.
size (none) The size of the Button.Possible values are xs (extra small), sm (small), md (medium) and lg (large) .
smallScreen (alternative writing)
-1 Alternative spelling to col-sm. Integer value to specify how many columns to span on small screens (≥768p pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
span (none) Integer value to specify how many columns to span on medium screens (≥992 pixels). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
style (none) Inline style of the input element.
styleClass (alternative writing)
(none) Style class of this element.
tabindex 0 Position of this element in the tabbing order for the current document. This value must be an integer between -1 and 32767. By default, Bootstrap uses 0, which means the tab order is relative to the position of the element in the document.
tinyScreen (alternative writing)
-1 Alternative spelling to col-xs. Integer value to specify how many columns to span on tiny screens (≤ 767 pixels wide). The number may optionally be followed by "column" or "columns". Alternative legal values: half, one-third, two-thirds, one-fourth, three-fourths.
tooltip (none) The text of the tooltip.
tooltipContainer (alternative writing)
body Where is the tooltip div generated? That's primarily a technical value that can be used to fix rendering errors in special cases. Also see data-container in the documentation of Bootstrap. The default value is body.
tooltipDelay (alternative writing)
0 The tooltip is shown and hidden with a delay. This value is the delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
tooltipDelayHide (alternative writing)
0 The tooltip is hidden with a delay. This value is the delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
tooltipDelayShow (alternative writing)
0 The tooltip is shown with a delay. This value is the delay in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (no delay).
tooltipPosition (alternative writing)
(none) Where is the tooltip to be displayed? Possible values: "top", "bottom", "right", "left", "auto", "auto top", "auto bottom", "auto right" and "auto left". Default to "bottom".
value (none) The Label for the button dropdown.
visible (none) This column is shown on a certain screen size and above. Legal values: lg, md, sm, xs.