
The <b:openStreetMap /> tag allows you to embed an OpenStreetMap into your page. Inspired by JSF2Leaf

Basic usage

Using the BootsFaces <b:openStreetMap /> widget is straight forward. All you have to know is the GPS coordinate of the center of the map, and, optionally, the GPS coordinates of a marker. The latter can even bear a simple popup message:

Maps covering specific topics using a tile provider

OpenStreetMap can be used to display many different maps: maps targeting bikers, sea maps, hiking maps, and so on. Basically, OpenStreetMap displays maps consisting of pre-rendered tiles. For instance, such a map can be composed of tiles which are 256 pixels wide and high.

There are many servers providing pre-rendered tiles. For instance,{z}/{x}/{y}.png is a tile provider focusing the public transport, while{z}/{x}/{y}.png shows the hill shades of the country.

Caveat: If you're using too much bandwidth of the tile provider, you're blocked. Usually, more bandwidth costs money.

Caveat:Usually, the URL of the tile provider is specified with a "//". The BootsFaces widget takes the same syntax, but without the "$".

Reference section

Attribute Default value Description
attribution (none) Copyright notice, indicating the template provider (aka tile server).
center (none) GPS coordinates of the center of the map
dragging false dragging
height (none) Height of the map. Every CSS unit can be use (e.g. 500px or 50vh).
marker (none) Where to put the marker. Leave this attribute empty if you don't need a marker.
maxZoom 20 Maximal zoom level the user can configure.
minZoom 1 Minimal zoom level the user can configure.
miniMap false Setting this to true activates a miniature map.
miniMapHeight 0 Height of the miniature map (in pixels).
miniMapPosition (none) Position of the miniature map (in pixels).
miniMapWidth 0 Width of the miniature map (in pixels).
popupMsg (none) Tooltip shown when the marker is clicked.
urlTemplate (none) URL of the template provider (aka tile server) delivering the maps. See for full details.
width (none) Width of the map. Every CSS unit can be use (e.g. 500px or 50vh).
zoom 1 Zoom level. Ranges from 1 (world view) to 20 (detailed view).
zoomControl false Setting this to false hides the zoom control widget.
zoomGlobal false zoomGlobal